Ever lose your remotes? Well, you can’t lose this one. In this article, we will talk about the Amazon Fire TV App and its features.

Wouldn’t it be great to be able to have your controller in your pocket at all times? Well, you totally can, and here is how.
Amazon Fire Stick TV
What it does
The Amazon Fire TV App allows you to have your controller on the go.
With simple navigations and a keyboard, you will never lose your controller again.
It will allow you to log in to an Amazon account, and therefore, connect to an Amazon Fire Stick to replace its remote.
This can be used whether you have your remote or not.
With the Amazon Fire Stick, you can access various free TV Apps to watch movies and shows.
Want to find out which ones to download?
Read the article Which Fire TV apps are free
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Just as the controller, it has most of the features of the controller.
You can activate Alexa, control the TV’s movement, a keyboard, and playback video and audio.
As well as gaining access to your apps and games quickly and without your remote being present.
With the touch of a button, you can go back home or take a look at more options.
You will also gain access to a list of your apps and games and will be able to open them individually.
As well as having a look at all the Apps you can download into your TV.
The App allows you to receive feedback in the form of a small vibration to let you know it has selected what you clicked on.
You also have the choice of buttons or a directional pad that is controlled by swiping.
For most games, you will not be able to control them through the Amazon Fire TV App and will need the remote included with your Fire Stick.
You can also purchase the Amazon Game Controller as a replacement if needed.

The App can be downloaded on iOS, Android, and Fire OS. And can be found in your app store by searching for “Fire TV.”
Keep in mind there are many controllers; therefore, you should download the official Amazon Fire TV App.
The App will allow you to control different Fire Sticks as long as they are all connected under one Amazon account.
This can be a great way to go back and forth with two TVs, and your whole family can get the App!
The bottom line
The Amazon Fire TV App is a great alternative, whether you are missing your controller, or are just too lazy to get it!
However, it would be best if you refrained from downloading a Fire TV controller from other developers.
Other developers might steal your information, Amazon to makes sure your information is secure.
Since everyone in your family can have the App, who gets to pick the show? Let us know down below who in your family picks the channel!