How to install the RTSP firmware on the Wyze Cam

It's time to learn how to install the RTSP firmware on the Wyze Cam.

Wyze Cam Reset Button

This protocol is very useful because it allows the camera to send video stream to different software and platform that are RTSP compatible.

Let's say for example, you want to have the Wyze Camera recording on a PC or streaming video do YouTube, with this protocol it's perfectly possible to do that.

In this article, I explain how to enable RTSP on Wyze Cam, just keep reading...

The Wyze Cam supports RTSP

At first, the Wyze Cam does NOT come with the RTSP protocol.

You need to enable it by installing a new firmware.

The RTSP firmware is available for the Wyze Cam 2nd generation and Wyze Cam Pan. Unfortunately, it does not available for the Wyze Cam 1st generation.

You can check the Wyze Cam version on the camera label.

Installing the RTSP firmware on the Wyze Cam

1. Download the RTSP firmware for the Wyze Cam V2 or Wyze Cam Pan.

2. Unzip the file in your computer;

3. Rename the file to "demo.bin";

4. Copy the file to the root directory of a micro SD Card;

5. Unplug the USB cable and insert the micro SD card into the camera;

6. Hold the setup button while plugging the USB cable;

7. Keep pressing the button and wait until the LED turns solid blue;

8. Once the LED becomes solid blue, release the setup button;

9. Wait for the camera to reboot.

See the following pictures that illustrate the process...

Unzip The Wyze Cam RTSP Firmware
Wyze cam RTSP Firmware rename
Wyze Cam MicroSD Card Slot
Wyze Cam Reset Button
Update Wyze Cam Firmware
Blue LED

How generate the RTSP URL on the Wyze Cam

The next step is to generate the RTSP URL.

On Wyze App, open the menu Settings -> Advanced Settings -> RTSP

Turn on the toggle and set up a username and password

You must use 4 to 10 characters with letters and numbers. 

Click “Generate URL”;

An RTSP URL generated by the Wyze Cam, see below the example


The IP address is the one used by your camera in the local network.

Now you can use the RTSP URL to set up the Wyze Cam on the platforms.

Testing the Wyze RTSP stream

You can use the VLC software to test the Wyze RTSP URL.

Just download visit the official VLC website to download the software. It's Free.

Open the VLC and click on "Media >> Open Network Stream..."

VLC Network Stream

Type the RTSP URL created by the Wyze Cam

Wyze Cam RTSP Setup

Click "Play"to check if everything is OK.

Wyze Cam RTSP video on VLC

And that's it. Now you have the RTSP enabled on your Wyze Camera.

RTSP troubleshooting

The RTSP stream can present some latency, delays and quality issues, be aware that this solution is 100% satisfactory for most of the users.

Visit the Wyze Cam website to download the latest firmware.

Make sure you are following every step of the installation process and your cameras are installed on a place not so far from the Wi-Fi router.

It's recommended to check the Wyze camera signal strength.


Enable the RTSP on your Wyze Camera only if necessary.

This is a standard protocol use by most IP camera manufacturers as way to intercommunicate devices even if they are from different brands,

Good luck with your implementation and please share the article with your friends.

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