Does the Wyze have a battery?

A common question among users: Does the Wyze have a battery?

No, the Wyze cam doesn't have a battery, but you can use an external power pack.

Does the Wyze have battery

The Wyze Cam is really popular and a lot of people are using it.

It's inexpensive and simple to use. It would be nice if this camera could use a battery to facilitate the installation in different places, don't you think?

The Wyze Cameras does not have a battery (yet)

For years people are asking for batteries on the Wyze Cam Forum.

Members of the Wyze team said that they are considering designing a new model that can be battery-powered but this never happened yet.

It's not easy to simply change a camera model to add extra features such as a battery pack and this is also can make the product more expensive.

People also like an inexpensive product, so this combination is tough, right?

But there's a way to make the Wyze Camera work with batteries...

External Power Brick for the Wyze Cam

You can use a mobile charger for the Wyze Cam.

The camera is connected to a USB cable just like a mobile phone, so why not use a portable charger to keep the camera working for hours?

A portable charger with 25800 mAh usually keeps the camera working for more than 1 day ( about 40 hours) and that's enough for most cases.

The camera uses less power than a new iPhone, so you can make it work easily by connecting a portable charger like the one in the picture below.

This solution costs less than $30, so it's affordable for most people.

The Pros

A power brick allows you to install your camera in different places because there's no need for an electrical outlet thus make the installation flexible.

Of course, you need an Internet connection but this is another story.

You can even use the Wyze Cam without WiFi or Internet connection depending on the type of application.

The Cons

The battery is not part of the product itself so it's big and bulky.

There's an extra cost to make the Wyze Cam work with a battery.

How long does the battery last?

Depending on how many mAh (milliamp Hour) the portable charger supports you have your Wyze Camera working for days.

On average the camera works for  10 hours for every 6,000 mAh.


The Wyze Cam is an inexpensive product with good quality.

I think it's OK to use an external power pack for the camera if that's what you need.

Perhaps in the future, the Wyze labs will come with a new model that uses an internal battery, until them lest's just use some type of workaround.

I hope this article can help you. Please share it with your friends.

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