Yi Home camera Alexa integration

Yi Home camera  Alexa integration is a popular topic on the Internet.

The Yi camera is one of Amazon's best seller products; that's why I decided to write an article to help people integrate it with Alexa to use voice commands.

Yi Home Camera Integrated with Alexa

Yi Home Camera on Echo Show

After the integration, you will be able to ask Alexa to display live video from the camera on devices such as the Echo Show, Echo Spot and Fire TV sticks.

How to connect Yi Home camera to Alexa

Make sure your Yi camera is connected to your network and follow the steps.

  1. Open the Alexa app on your smartphone;
  2. On the menu, click the "More" button;
  3. Click on "Skills and Games";
  4. Search for "Yi Home Camera App";
  5. Click the button "Enable to use";
  6. Use the credential to log in to your Yi account;
  7. Click the button  "Discover devices";
  8. Wait for Alexa to find the Yi camera.

I recommend using an easy and meaningful name for the camera so Alexa can understand you better when you need to use voice commands to display the video.

Short names like "Backyard" and "Front door" are good examples.

Installing Yi Camera Alexa Skill

Here's the step-by-step Yi camera Alexa skill installation.

Click the "More" button...

Alexa Main Menu

Click The "Skill and Games" button.

Alexa Skill and games button

Search for the Alexa Skill "Yi Home Camera App"

Alexa Skill Search for Yi Home Camera App

Click the button to enable the skill.

Yi Home Camera Alexa Skill Enable Button

Log in to your Yi account.

Yi Account Login for Alexa

Make sure you see the message that informs the accounts were liked.

Yi Account and Alexa Linked Successfully

Click to allow Alexa to discover the device...

Alexa App  Discovering Devices

Check if the Alexa found the camera correctly.

Click the "Cameras" button.

Alexa Devices Cameras

And here you can see all you cameras available on the Alexa app.

Yi Home Camera on Alexa

Now, you should have the Yi Home camera working with Alexa.

It's time to ask Alexa to display video from the camera to the devices.

Use Alexa voice commands to control the Yi Home Camera video stream 

Say "Alexa, show front door" and see the live video on your Echo Show or Fire Stick if you use the remote control or Alexa dot.

Here is my daughter's Echo show waiting for the voice command.

Echo Show Ready to Display Yi Camera

And then I just ask, "Alexa, show office cam 4"

Alexa answers "OK" and connects to the camera.

Echo Show-Waiting for Yi Home Camera

I see the "Waiting for YI Home Camera" message for a while.

And then, I get the live video from the YI camera.

Echo Show Displays Yi Home Camera

This is very cool, isn't it?

Now, it's your turn. Follow this step-by-step to connect your Yi Home Camera to Alexa, and please click the buttons to share this information with your friends.

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