What Govee LED Strip Lights to buy

There are plenty of Govee LED strips available. However, you must understand the difference between your choices. Let’s go over the types of Govee LED Strips.


Govee LED Strip Light

Govee offers RGB and RGBIC strips that differ in a couple ways. As well as some waterproof models that you can find. 


Both the types of lights have their pros and cons. It is up to you to decide which one you like better.


I have personally reviewed a Govee Smart Light RGB LED Strip and have loved it. Though you cannot have access to some features included with the RGBIC.


The RGB LED strip can be cut into smaller portions, which is excellent for installing in such places where you can go around corners or chop the excess off.

The brightness at night is impressive, and even at 1%, it still lights up a room. 

It was a great add-on to my room as I placed it under my bed. And for young kids, this can totally be a fun nightlight to have!


It is cuttable because it does not contain an IC chip, but it also means that the strip can only stay in one color at a time. 

Other LED strips can range in color and have an ombre effect.

Though bright, it is not as radiant as an RGBIC strip, which is not as potent and can light up a room way better.


LED lights

The RGBIC is a new technology to display the colors and can make a room pop! One strip can be multiple colors and blend together.


All thanks to the IC or Independent Control chip that gives you the power to display multiple colors in one light strip at the same time. And you can gain control of each segment’s color.

It is also “Ultra- Bright” and leaves RGB in the dust when it comes to its brightness. 

However, you won’t be able to leave it overnight for a nightlight, for example, as it will be way to bright.


Though the different colors in the RGBIC strip can be fun, it also means it cannot be cut. 

Therefore, it can be harder to install in walls in which you cannot utilize a clipping connector.Waterproof products

Some products were fabricated for outdoor use, such as the motorcycle lights, outdoor lights, and under-car lights. However, you should be careful with them as well.

Govee waterproof lights state that they are “Weatherproof & Durable.” 

Some outdoor model lights claim to be “Made from heavy-duty wire and shatterproof plastic bulbs, and have special waterproof sockets.” 

They also claim that their waterproof sockets “form a seal around the bulb string lights to keep water out.” And therefore keep them safe from any rain that may occur outside. 

Meaning that you do not have to worry about your lights if it looks a little cloudy. Yet you should always protect the outlet as it might cause damage if it gets wet.

To simplify your purchasing experience, I have made a list of the non-waterproof and waterproof LED Strips that are sold by Govee down below. 


Govee LED Strip Light- waterproof

Having an extra protection, especially from water can be a great thing. Check out the list below to see which Govee LED models are waterproof and which aren’t!

Govee Waterproof lights

  • H6102
  • H6106
  • H6109
  • H6111
  • H6113
  • H6114
  • H6115
  • H6116
  • H6117
  • H6119
  • H6127
  • H6140
  • H6160
  • H6161
  • H6163
  • H6185
  • H6188
  • H6193
  • H7001
  • H7022

Not Waterproof

  • H6102
  • H6104
  • H6110
  • H6126
  • H6138
  • H6139
  • H6159
  • H6181
  • H6182
  • H6183
  • H6187
  • H6189
  • H6190
  • H6191
  • H6195
  • H6196

The bottom line

Whether you are looking into purchasing a waterproof strip or deciding between the RGB or RGBIC Lights, you are going to be impressed.

Govee lights are affordable, as well as high-quality. Therefore, it is a total investment you can make, no matter what model you purchase!

Don’t forget to let us know what type of Govee LED Strip you will get down below.

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