LED Lights

Cut Govee Light Strip

How to splice Govee light strip

In this article, I explain how to splice a Govee light strip.Perhaps you want to have more than one light strip connected together using the same power adapter. This is simple to accomplish by using the Govee LED Light Strip Connectors Kit you can purchase on stores such as Amazon.How to splice and extend the Govee light stripTo splice and […]

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Govee lights are not working

Why are my Govee Lights not working?

Defective and faulty products are bound to happen with most products out there. So what do you do if your Govee lights aren’t working? Before reading on, keep in mind that the lights not turning on when they already worked are not the same as them not working once plugged in for the first time. […]

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Extend Govee Lights

Can Govee Lights be extended

Want to know what to do with your leftover LED strips? Should you reuse, renew, and recycle? Or is extending your Govee LED Lights more worth your time? Keep in mind that extending and reusing are not the same when it comes to installing your Govee Smart Lights. The difference When you reuse a strip, […]

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Young woman thinking

What Govee LED Strip Lights to buy

There are plenty of Govee LED strips available. However, you must understand the difference between your choices. Let’s go over the types of Govee LED Strips. ADD AFFILIATE LINK Govee offers RGB and RGBIC strips that differ in a couple ways. As well as some waterproof models that you can find.  RGB or RGBIC? Both […]

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LED lights

Difference between RGB and RGBIC lights?

Govee Smart has plenty of products. So what is the difference between RGB strip lights and RGBIC strip lights? Which is better? RGB or RGBIC? ADD AFFILIATE LINK Pros and cons Both the RGB and RCBIV LED strips from Govee Smart Lights are exceptional and affordable products. However, they differ significantly, and both present their […]

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Goovee cut

Can Govee Lights be cut

Not all lengths work for everyone. Therefore, you might have to do some trimming of your own. So can you cut Govee LED Lights? The answer can vary due to the type of LED Lights you are utilizing. This is because not all LED Strips Govee sells are the same. For example, the one I […]

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Govee Lights might not turn on

Are Govee Lights safe

For an inexpensive pop of color in any room you desire, the LED strips from Govee are a fun and interactive toy for anyone! But are Govee Lights safe? Or should you invest in a safer alternative? A common question that is asked is whether the Govee Lights are waterproof, which would then make them […]

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Govee LED Strip Light

Are Govee Lights reusable

Nothing is better than recycling, reusing, and saving yourself some money. Let’s look into whether you can reuse Govee Lights or not. Cutting off What can you do if your LED strip is longer than you need it to be? It might depend on the type of LED strip you bought. Can you cut Govee […]

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LED lights

Why won’t my Govee Lights turn on

Nothing is worse than receiving a faulty product. But there are ways to make sure it isn’t something wrong with your installation. Let’s look at some reasons why Govee Lights might not turn on. Keep in mind that if you damaged the lights in any way, it could alter the results you will receive. Including […]

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Govee music mode

How do Govee Lights work with music

Ever wanted to throw yourself a little party in your room or even in the living room sofa? With Govee Smart Lights on music mode, you can! ADD AFFILIATE LINK Govee Smart Lights even has music mode and different scenes that change color and can be a set through the App.  Meaning you might want […]

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