How to record the Wyze camera on a PC (no monthly fee)

In this article, you will learn how to record the Wyze Camera on a PC.

The software I use as an example is the Luxriot EVO which has a Free version for up to 9 IP cameras. So, just keep reading to learn more...

Record the Wyze camera on a PC

Yeah, that's right. As long as you have the Wyze Camera recording on a computer, you don't need to pay a monthly fee. This is cool, right?

The Luxriot Evo in a Nutshell

This software is for professional applications and requires a little bit of technical knowledge for the setup. But don't worry because it's not that complicated.

Be aware that at first, the Luxriot Evo was not designed to be used on a home or small business applications, but it can be used for that if you are willing to set it up.

==> If you are interested in learning more about the software, I recommend you read the article Free VMS software – Luxriot EVO.

In this article, I don't talk about the software installation,

Visit the Luxriot web site to download the software and install it by yourself.

Once you have the software installed, just continue with the Wyze Cam setup.

How to record the Wyze Camera to a PC

At first the Luxriot Evo does NOT work with the Wyze Cam.

Unfortunately, it doesn't communicate directly with the camera protocol.

You need to install the RTSP firmware and enabled this protocol on the camera.

==> Read the article How to install the RTSP firmware on the Wyze Cam to learn how to get this installation done (don't worry, it's very easy).

So, here's the step-by-step to record the Wyze camera on a PC

Click the Luxriot console icon on the desktop to open the software.

On the next windows, click the button "New Device".

Luxriot console
Luxriot - New Device

Give the camera a title and click the button "Select Model"

How to Record the Wyze camera on a PC  - Chose the Model

Select "Generic RTSP Compatible" and click "OK".

Luxriot Select camera model RTSP

Fill the information on the Network. username, and password and click "OK".

(The username and password are the ones created during the RTSP firmware upgrade).

Luxriot Evo Wyze Cam Network Setup

Click "Channel configuration" >> "Open channel properties".

Luxriot Configuration Devices Wyze Cam Channel Config Properties

On the RTSP Tab, type"/live" in the Path to Session.

Luxriot Configuration Devices Wyze Cam Channel Config Properties RTSP

Click the icon "Luxriot Evo Monitor" on the Desktop to see the camera live.

Wyze Cam on Luxriot Evo Monitor

As you can see the Wyze Cameras is added to the software.

Assign the recording configuration if you want to record by motion.

If you skip this step, the software records the footage continuously.

Record the Wyze camera on a PC via motion detection


As you can see, it's possible to record the Wyze camera on a PC.

It's not rocket science, as long as you have the patient to set up the software.

To add more than 9 cameras is necessary to buy a license, but I think it does NOT worth the price for such an application.

This software is very good and you can even stream the Wyze cam to YouTube.

Make sure the camera is not too far away from the router so it can have a strong Wi-Fi signal and a better operation.

I hope this article can help you, please share it with your friends.

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How to record longer on the Wyze Camera

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